

With the controversy surrounding Kratom I was reluctant to take Kratom until I spoke to Dr. Love at Love-R-Health Foods. He assured me that it was totally safe in moderation with no side effects and that he himself has taken it for years for his back pain with no problems. I bought a bottle and the first day I took it my pain went away along with the stress associated with it. That night I had the most peaceful sleep that I’ve had in a long time”.

Daniel Garcia, Sterling Colorado

Formula BAC+

My stay at the hospital May 15, after I was given a lung scan, I was told I had numerous blood clots by one of my doctors and was put on a blood thinning medication- Heparin. On May 17, after I took 15 drops of Formula BAC+, I no longer nagged the nurses for pain medication. I also remember a lot of warmth go through my lungs and stay a couple of minutes. I continued to take Formula BAC+ and the next day May 18 all test results – heart ultrasound and pulmonary arteriogram found very little defects and no blood clots. On May 20, I was discharged from the hospital with the doctor not believing what had happened.

S.A. Pueblo Colorado

All Purpose Hand Spray

I use All Purpose Hand Spray for both my pets and myself for topical protection from infectious organisms. If I see anything suspicious on the surface of the skin I spray twice daily for two to three days and then it disappears. This is a wonderful product and I recommend it to everyone.

MJ Sidney Nebraska

Advantage Capsules

My husband and I have used Advantage Capsules for years as a preventive against cold’s, flu’s and any type of infection. It works so well with us that I have recommended it to all my clients at my place of business.

Brenda Haller, La Junta Colorado

Advantage Liquid Concentrate – COVID

I contracted COVID a few weeks ago became very ill. I am 82 years old. I started taking Advantage Liquid Concentrate every two hours. I started feeling better right away. This is an amazing natural product.”

C.J.L. Westcliffe Colorado

Advantage sinus spray

I have had chronic sinus problems most of my life. Twenty years ago I took strong doses of Vitamin C and in the past ten years I have taken various herbs. Nothing I took ever gave me complete relief until I started taking Advantage Sinus Spray.


L.B. La Junta Colorado

Advantage Skin and Ear Drops

My daughter had bouts of ear infections with repeated Myringotomies (placement of ear tubes) and antibiotics for years. I finally realized it wasn’t a bacterial but fungal infection and started her on Advantage Skin and Ear Drops since it’s for any type of infection including fungal. Immediately the ear infection went away and she hasn’t had any ear problems for years now.

K Love, La Junta Colorado

Brain Support

I am a college student and am suffering from Mono for over a month. I was not able to concentrate on my school work, was tired and wanted to sleep all the time. My Mom sent me some Brain Support and the first day I started taking it I was amazed at how much energy I had and was able to concentrate so much better. This is a great product!

K.L.J. Cedarville Ohio

CBD Hemp Oil

I have been taking CBD now for over 4 years, I have Fibromyalgia which is very painful and CBD takes the pain away within 15 minutes, also helps me with insomnia and migraines. I love this product, I wouldn’t want to be without it.

 J.L. La Junta Colorado 

Cold & Flu+

“Cold & Flu+ is what I reach for when I feel like I am catching something. For any type of viral I don’t have to worry I just take a couple of tablets and chew them to allow the ingredients to slide down my throat. It seems to work best for me that way but some people may not like the taste, in that case they can just swallow the tablet whole.”

L. Thompkins, Sterling Colorado

Colorado Black Gold Ointment

“My right leg became infected which opened up into an ulcer. I have diabetes and have problems with my lower extremities. Searching for something to heal the ulcer I came across Colorado Black Gold Ointment. I purchased some from Dr. Love and started applying it on a daily basis and slowly it got better until it healed and it’s all better now”.

Wendell Tompkins, Sterling Colorado

Eyebright Drops

“I have Glaucoma and I had blood vessels burst in my right eye, which almost blinded me. I took the Eyebright Drops and within two weeks it relieved the pain and healed my eye. It also helped with tearing in my eyes. When my eye starts to tear, I use the drops and it stops the tearing immediately”.

Walter Glasco, La Junta Colorado

BAC Capsules

“I started taking BAC caps last April after having several years of serious illness. I had allot of distress in my chest and was taking prescription medication three times per day. After taking BAC for 3 weeks I realized I hadn’t felt this good in a long time. I put in very hard summer work and feel without the BAC I would never be able to do it”.

A.S., Leoti Kansas

Formula BAC+ Liquid

“I had plugged arteries and started taking Formula BAC+ about three weeks ago. My heart beats more steady now, I have more strength and just feel better. My wife started taking Formula BAC+ along with me. She had gotten where she couldn’t think clearly because of some clogged arteries in the brain. In a very short time she was thinking much more clearly”.

F.N. La Junta Colorado

Formula BAC+ liquid

My stay at the hospital May 15, after I was given a lung scan, I was told I had numerous blood clots by one of my doctors and was put on a blood thinning medication- Heparin. On May 17, after I took 15 drops of Formula BAC+, I no longer nagged the nurses for pain medication. I also remember a lot of warmth go through my lungs and stay a couple of minutes. I continued to take Formula BAC+ and the next day May 18 all test results – heart ultrasound and pulmonary arteriogram found very little defects and no blood clots. On May 20, I was discharged from the hospital with the doctor not believing what had happened. 

S.A. Pueblo Colorado

Formula Hyper-T

“After seeing Dr. Love he designed a regiment for my personal needs, which included Formula Hyper-T. I have been steadily progressing in my dose feeling better each day. However, after two hours of taking the first dose, for the first time in a long time I felt not to hot, not to cold, finally just right. A few days later, my appetite reappeared, and my flu-like symptoms disappeared. My energy was coming back, and I have even now started to put on some of the weight I had lost with my hyperthyroid condition. I have stopped seeing the medical doctors, and will continue to work with Dr. Love. Hyper-t has given my life back, and I am forever grateful”.

A,R. Long Las Animas Colorado 

Formula Hypo-T

There’s just not much in a natural supplement for low thyroid function. So I tried the Formula Hypo-T which is organic and all natural. Within the first day I noticed a difference in my metabolism and energy. After a month taking Hypo-T I have lost weight and feel normal again. I recommend Hypo-t to anyone with a sluggish thyroid.

Ray Love, Sterling Colorado

Formula IRF

“I was not sleeping well, restless, tired, nervous and in a state of depression. I have a heart condition (mitral valve prolapse), nothing you can die from, but it causes me discomfort and feeling anxious. I never realized how Formula IRF helped alleviate the above condition until I stopped taking it. I especially noticed my heart’s irregular rhythm had returned. I started taking Formula IRF again and the irregular thumping stopped along with other feelings”.

B.G. Springfield Ohio

Momordica Capsules

“I am amazed at what is happening to my body since I began taking Momordica. I am a brittle diabetic and my blood sugar has been going down considerably. Another benefit for me is that I have also lost 12 pounds. This product is the only thing I have tried to correct the imbalance in my pancreas. I take less insulin now and expect it to come to a normal level by the end of this year. Thank you for making this product available in the USA”.

Suzanne Ritchie, La Junta Colorado

Momordica Liquid

“I had pain in my right eye with blurred vision as I suffer from bouts of higher than normal pressure in my eye. I took Momordica made by Wisdom of the Ages 3 to 4 x a day for a week using 5 drops each time. The pain went away and I have clearer vision. I am now only needing to take it occasionally”.

Ron S. Palmer, Colorado

Pain Free Cream

“Suffering from rheumatoid arthritis is no fun. I have had to endure pain trying so many drugs and treatments that only gave me minimal relief until I tried Pain Free. I think the DMSO with other ingredients absorb deep into the tissue and the bone of the joints to relieve the pain much better than anything I tried before. Thank you Dr. Love for recommending this great product to me”.

K. Chulata, Cheraw Colorado

Prostate Support

“I was diagnosed with Benign Prostate Hypertrophy (BPH) and enlargement of the prostate. The frequent urination and pain was constant and medication wasn’t taking care of the problem. I went to Love-R-Health Foods and Dr. Love recommended Prostate Support. I can safely say it gave me amazing results in alleviating the pain and less urgency to urinate”.

R. Tompkins, Sterling Colorado

Rejuvenation Capsules

“I have been using “Rejuvenation” for a couple of months now and it has helped me alot. I have rheumatoid arthritis and had to go off Motrin because of blood thinning problems. My symptoms are in my knees, ankles and feet. Since I’ve been using “Rejuvenation” my symptoms are greatly lessened and sometimes completely absent”.

K.R., Albuquerque New Mexico

Rejuvenation Liquid

“I had suffered with arthritis for years. Some mornings I could hardly get out of bed. I took a cortisone shot once a month and also cortisone pills every day. I was given Rejuvenation to try and in 2 or 3 days I could tell the difference. I haven’t had a shot for 3 months and I don’t take my cortisone pills”. D.J., Cameron Missouri  

D.J., Cameron Missouri  

Super Fat Burner

“I was impressed with not only how Super Fat Burner works but the ingredients in it. It is packed with just about every natural product used to speed up metabolism and burn fat. I lost 10 pounds within the first month and feel great!”.

M. Perry, Sidney Nebraska

Super Omega Greens

“Super Omega Greens has improved my natural energy without stimulants like caffeine that left me tired after it wore off. Super Omega Greens doesn’t do that to me. It lasts all day and is so natural it lets me sleep at night. I also like the energy it gives my brain”.

Eva Sisnero, La Junta Colorado

ToxiClenz powder

“My body became very toxic with the heavy metal, nickel. I had sores break out on my skin. I became very exhausted all the time. I started taking ToxiClenz in an effort to remove the toxic metal. I have since been tested and have no sign of toxic nickel, plus my sores went away”.

G.K., Albuquerque New Mexico

Triple Advantage Lotion

I had a customer complaining about her husband going fishing and coming home with his hands smelling like fish. I suggested to her to have him rub Triple Advantage Lotion on his hands before each time he went fishing. Since it was a barrier cream it shouldn’t allow the fish smell to absorb into his hands and when he got home any residue would just wash off. Next time I saw her she was very happy that she no longer had to put up with the fish smell.

Dr. Love, Love-R-Health Foods, La Junta Colorado 

Wise Choice

In my earlier life I took up the habit of smoking. Later on I changed my life and became more self conscious of my health so decided to quit. Wise Choice had just come out so I decided to try it. My plan was to take Wise Choice during the day and before going to bed smoke a cigarette. Each night I smoked less and less of a whole cigarette until I was down to only one puff each night. One day I realized I had forgotten to take my one puff the night before, from that day on I was nicotine free and never picked up a cigarette again.

Dr. Love, La Junta Colorado
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